Ron was born in 1942 in Brooklyn, NY, and moved to the Bronx when he was seven years old. Ron, unlike most of the TOP participants, is a Frum Yid – a sincerely religious Jew. Even though his only formal Jewish education as a child was Hebrew school at the Jewish center of Williams Bridge, he is deeply committed to living a Torah lifestyle.
After high school, Ron continued his education in a school he calls the original BCC, Bronx Community College. He majored in History and Political Science, while he worked in warehouse for Sacs Furniture and later Barton’s Candy. After college, he taught in Yeshiva Zirchron Moshe. Ron got married in 1970, and had one daughter, and four grandchildren. He started his own school called HEED – Humanistic Education through the External Degree. This type of education was new then, but now we call it Distance Learning or Classless schooling. Ron, his wife, and daughter moved to NMB in 1977, where he became an integral part of the community and the Young Israel Synagogue of Greater Miami. At that time The Young Israel was the only Orthodox Synagogue in the neighborhood. Sadly Ron’s wife passed away in 2001. Ron went to Eretz Yisroel to learn Torah for a year after his wife’s passing. He came back to America and remarried Tova Sassoon in 2003. The new couple moved to Hollywood Beach in 2005. A few years after their move, Hollywood Beach became very popular with tourists. It was overcrowded and noisy, so Ron and his family moved to Delray Beach. Due to a serious back problem, Ron recently moved into an assisted living facility back in his old North Miami Beach neighborhood. Ron comes to the weekly class has plenty to add to discussions, and very often asks for a ride to Mincha when the class is over.