Michele was born in 1950 in Silver Spring Maryland. Her father was an electrical engineer. She had one brother. Michele graduated college with a degree in social work, and then started her own school for behaviorally challenged children ages 14-18. Michele was married in 1976 and has one son who lives 10 minutes away. He has been married for 4 years and is a partner in a construction company.
In 2007, Michele developed Parkinson and in 2016 she came to Florida to be closer to her son. As the disease progressed, she needed to enter an ALF. She tried different facilities. One was caught stealing from the residents and the government by charging for field trips that never happened and started imaginary programs. The last ALF that she was in prior to the present one, was viciously anti Semitic and forced her to attend church. The residence were bullied by the owner and and treated them like children. Michele complained one time that her salad was gritty, and was not served salad again. Michele ended up in the hospital due to a fall and needed surgery. Three weeks ago she finished rehab and moved to the facility where we met. She is very happy that she is now well taken care of and can learn about her Judaism.