When I met Louis, he introduced himself as Yisroel Leib, a proud Jew born in 1920 in Boston, Massachusetts. He later moved with his family to Revere Beach, MA, where he went to school high school. After he graduated, he learned to become a printer for the famous Boston Globe Newspaper. When WW2 broke out, he was drafted into the Army Corp of engineers for five years. After the war, Yisroel Leib returned to Revere Beach, went back to printing and got married. The couple became active members of Temple Israel and had one son and one daughter.
Today, Yisroel Leib’s son still lives in Massachusetts and his daughter lives in Florida. After his first wife passed away, he remarried and moved to Florida to be closer to his son. Sadly, Yisroel Leib lost his second wife also and now lives in Regal Plaza where he attends my weekly class. I found Yisroel Leib to be an upbeat individual who was happy to tell me all about himself. He smiled when he announced to me that he is 96 years old. and smiled again when I said he should live until 120. He is an inspiration to me and to all those around him!