Evelyn Masada Jury was born in 1951 in NYC. Her parents emigrated from Iraq. Evelyn’s father was a professor in Engineering, but no university in New York would hire Jews in the 50s, so the family had to move to California. Her father found a job teaching in Berkeley College. Evelyn also became an educator while in California and taught Humanities. Due to her mom’s allergies, the family moved to Florida. Although her father remained in teaching in Florida, Evelyn entered the hotel business and worked in the PR departments in the fanciest hotels in Miami. After her mom passed away, Evelyn dedicated herself to taking care of her father. Her dad today is 96 years old. After he broke both his hips, she and her dad moved into Miami Jewish Health Center, where her dad is in the nursing home and Evelyn is in the assisted living center. Evelyn started coming to TOP classes last week and plans on becoming a regular!