Richard was born in Brighton Beach, NY right before his family moved to Far Rockaway. I have been coming to the facility where Richard lives for the last four years but Richard came to his first class this past week. Over the years I assumed Richard was not Jewish so I didn’t push him to join us. This past week, however, Richard came. This past week I brought Chulent, which I’ve never done before. We sat around the table eating Chulent while I explained the custom of singing Sholom Aleichem on Friday night. When I began to sing it Richard joined in immediately. Needless to say, I was shocked. After my class ended, Richard and I sat and talked a little and he promised he would become a regular. On the elevator trip back down to the first floor, he said, “Rabbi, your food reminded me I was Jewish.” When I told this story to a friend of mine, Rabbi Avrohom Yachnes, he smiled and said, “The power of Chulent.” Hence the title. Thank you Rabbi Yachnes.