“Hashem’s portion is His people. Yaakov is His inheritance”
Every day in davening we say,

How happy we are, how great is our lot, how beautiful is our inheritance.
We are the children of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. We are Hashem’s people, chosen to serve Him.
The servant of a king is also royalty. Every Jew needs to realize (especially this time of year) that Hashem loves each and every one of us.
He therefore gave us a Torah which is a tool showing us how to run our lives with a sense of priorities, morals, and Kedusha. Hashem rewards us for keeping these mitzvos, which are for our own benefit anyway, and punishes us like a parent who punishes a child for the child’s own good.
More than any other time, from the Yomim Noraim through Sukkos, Hashem shows us this love by allowing us to do Teshuva for our mistakes, receive forgiveness, and then celebrate our closeness to Him.
The servant of a king is also royalty. Every Jew needs to realize (especially this time of year) that Hashem loves each and every one of us.
He therefore gave us a Torah which is a tool showing us how to run our lives with a sense of priorities, morals, and Kedusha. Hashem rewards us for keeping these mitzvos, which are for our own benefit anyway, and punishes us like a parent who punishes a child for the child’s own good.
More than any other time, from the Yomim Noraim through Sukkos, Hashem shows us this love by allowing us to do Teshuva for our mistakes, receive forgiveness, and then celebrate our closeness to Him.
Another incredible gift Hashem gave us is part of Himself.
”Ki Chelek Hashem Amo –
Hashem’s portion is His nation.” We have an immortal soul which is a part of Hashem Himself. No one has any excuse not to attain Torah and fear of Heaven, because we were each given a spiritual power which is super human. There is no spiritual level that we cannot reach if we try. Hashem promises us:
“Harchev Picha Vamleihu – Open your mouth and ask for it and I will fulfill your request.”

“Ask your father and he will tell you, and your grandfather and he will say to you”
How appropriate is this Passuk for the Torah Outreach Program! The people who come to this program have not only so much to gain, but so much to give. Just by listening to them, I’ve learned so much about the trials and tribulations of the past generation: here, in Europe, and in Israel. I am very grateful to be part of their lives!